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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2013 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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situation is no different to thousands of others in many former soviet republics which have experienced almost total economic collapse. has spent the past ten years working on moscow construction sites he's back in the russian capital after a week's holiday to his home country. where he just had enough time to marry his young bride. but rather than enjoying a romantic honeymoon she's joining him in moscow where to get a job the couple will need all the money they can to build a home in their native land for their future children. didn't want to go to moscow but her feelings don't matter in the past all the important decisions were made by her parents and now it's her husband who has the final say so i said i didn't like the idea of going to moscow but my
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mother and grandfather said i must. board here yeah. when you first get here it's always like that. one of the couples relatives in moscow has agreed to let them stay in a rented flat for a while. to see him as the most successful family member she's worked in moscow for ten years young couple is confident she'll help me find a job. i'll try to find someone for you. please call me if there's an opening for the girl. thanks a lot. as well connected she has russian citizenship and will soon own a house of her own outside moscow needs to work hard to pay it off she is employed as a cleaner in three different places that are both most of the people working here are my fellow countrymen who have no place to live and asked me for shelter i help them
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and they help me by building a house i don't pay anyone for construction work i just pay for the building materials. it took a long time for has he had to decide to sell her house back home but she did it for the sake of her children their motherland is where you feel the best. you know is back in stone the twin boys are as is unless his last saw their mother nearly two years ago their grandmother takes care of them she wants the boys to learn to take pride in their homeland while they're still young they were born in summer count the grand capitol of time elaine's empire and a mecca for scholars of the medieval orient. today only ancient buildings serve as a reminder of the city's former grandeur industries at a standstill and most of us adults now work in russia.
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i often wonder whether a loving mother would abandon her children like that i ask myself whether i did the right saying when i abandon my own children but then the soul that i'm doing something for them says my mind at present was they tell me come here as soon as you can win miss you so much i try to comfort them i say i'm ok patient i'm just book here a little longer and then we'll all be together. just knows it works as a nomi raising another family's children. the twins mother has even had her name changed by her employers the kids find it hard to say they call her rosa instead just knows or lives in someone else's flat far away from her own children. you get so tired that you don't even think about your own family i just forgot
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about it because i'm simply exhausted. after her husband left came to russia where she found work and started a new family so then she had four children to look after. her for clear that you've come here to make some money what's your dream what do you want we want to build a house there. yes we'll also want to have kids. what do you worry about. i'm afraid my husband might leave me. which i was very worried that i could lose my job so i even went to work on saturdays and sundays and it was about that. though a trained school teacher because he had had to work as an unskilled laborer and spent the night on the construction site. those were very
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hard times you know sometimes i even felt i didn't want to live anymore. but that i thought about my children. and how we'd be dead if i didn't get back on my feet with their side even had arsenic within reach of things really went that you. know those hard times are behind her. husband who's even sent her a friend request on a social networking site. should i accept the friend request or not now absolutely yes yeah let him see how far you've come. this day as i'm very pretty yet and show him how much of a mistake it was terrific to have grown strong ever since then i'm no longer afraid of losing my job like i did before.
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until recently it seemed that central asia traditional ways of life would never change parents arrange the marriages and children would wed for life each family had at least four children women kept the house in order while men with the breadwinners initially only men would go to russia in search of employment but many of them stop sending money back home they found new wives and started families and then you home the wives they left behind had to go to russia to support their children. the women from other countries have better chances of finding a job in russia than the men companies and wealthy families are only too keen to take them on as cleaners most of the women work long hours because they're employed illegally they're deprived of all employment rights.
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are you looking for fatima the woman who works with a daughter yes yes. come to a vegetable market on the outskirts of moscow to visit her friend for three months . she hasn't been able to reach her for two weeks and trust me i know she's not well ten years ago they lived together back when their lives were very similar both husbands had abandoned them and the children both women left their homeland to find work. and first she gave us a helping hand and she helped me find a job for my daughter. my son and i were working at a construction site. fatima was lucky she met a man in moscow and had two more children twin boys but then life took a turn for the worse she was alone again with only her teenage daughters to help.
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girls don't go to school ever since they came to moscow. the older daughter looks after the children. and the younger one she wanted to resume study it's good because of her mother's poor help. the girls have no time for school the second daughter works with her mother while the eldest looks after the young children it's not clear why their mother left her country ten years ago or if she really did so for the sake of her children. can't find her friend nobody knows where she is how easy it has been to her home only once before and doesn't remember the exact address. what the what the poor all these buildings look the same years i can't figure out which one i'm looking for.
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this boy has always been known to his classmates is colia a common russian name but his real name is called bun. i was called could a bun by my parents because i was born during the muslim holiday of could've gone by rome but here i want to be cold colia in school there are some kids who would tease and laugh at me i went by my real name. tells everybody that he was born here but his mother actually brought him to mosco with the age of four but kolya tries to figure out about.
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his upset that collier has forgotten all about his roots for the first time in ten years she's taken a holiday to celebrate her sister's birthday home and she's taken colyer along to show him the country where he was born. he's this city has changed so much in ten years it's beautiful now. yet i expected to turn up and find a dirty and dull place. is there a shopping mall here can we get a chicken burger. of their collective made friends on the other soon do you remember them. well a little bit. of the one they don't speak russian julia are you going to talk to them. look at the beautiful sunset how beautiful i
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love to do this stroll in the city center i can't remember it at all. when you have no way to live. when you don't have a family. when you have no one to ask for help you can always count on. this
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man is respected by criminals and also it is a like fields out it's gone but tonight it was people like he used to be. in for the homeless. on on street. to. join thousands of gadgets gurus walk into the mobile world congress in barcelona where research and handset makers try to get their groove back. and software superchargers hope to spin preview success forward rushes yandex turns up the heat on the google and despite a new twist on infotainment it's not just fun and games often overlooked video engine spring football is streaming conferences to the palm of your hands and there's a new player in town looking to show that to you isn't that better than one month she updates if you're on. leave the country.
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to least be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks books the v.i.p.'s interviews. intriguing story for you yeah. he's been trying. to find out more visit. when a baby is born in the ancient city of some account everyone hopes to persuade granny to preside over this ceremony. the ritual is performed each time the baby is put to bed for the first two weeks of its life. stone mira and even cold blood are used to ensure that the baby grows up to be
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a healthy and happy adult. as one of the most respected women in the city she's the great grandmother and grandmother . was a teacher of the it was based language and literature for more than forty years the husband was a hero of the soviet union. the couple had twelve children of their own to two boys. from a coolish were regarded as a model soviet family and featured in many documentaries traditionally married couples and done have large families but i like children few of them ever receive a higher education. the whole family tried to talk shows around with going to russia only one of the does forty grandchildren had ever gone abroad for a better life before but she was determined not to live off her family any more.
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i said to her remember your country is your mother and us foreign land is your stepmother. for the first time in two years shows employers in moscow have allowed her to go home for a week for medical treatment. this new year's eve and the waiting was just too much i didn't get enough sleep i was drowsy when i stumbled down the staircase i fell down and hurt my head back. when does the plane arrive. you should be at four o'clock. you know they didn't go to school today they're waiting for you. when the twin boys learned that their mother was coming tomorrow they were so excited they could barely do their homework. with just coming here and she won't go back she's
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seen and worked enough i've already found a job for her here. meanwhile. arrived at the native village in tajikistan. hasn't been here for nearly ten years she's been working in moscow all the time. at first she simply wanted to survive but then she started earning money for the children's education after that she started saving to build a house in her home village the residents greeted with a hero's welcome. here for you know what this is your friend knows she had korea letters korea. do you remember playing with korea. it was a full one remember no no he does not know you does it on your problem how come you remember him or you old or i think he was when were you born.
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and that are your year older you must remember him. quite. well. but i remember a quote of yours for you that he doesn't know corn doesn't know couldn't buy that cornish woman. he was born of three minutes past midnight when we were celebrating the holy cross of zero one one by a promise he had to be given the name corben because he's a boy allah gave him the name do you think ally will be angry for call him call yet anyway we call him put a bomb but others don't we can't do anything about it. this is how you do it no no like this.
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for the first time in his life doesn't feel ashamed of his roots he's happy to be cooled by his true name. there are many children around here they're all good natured i wish you'd stay here for good although you understand sometimes what we say to him because he responds although he answers in russian you can also speak our language. the twins' mother is arriving late took some account. the flight from moscow was delayed the children to shine because they haven't seen their mother for such a long time. what's the matter to your mother they're shy in front of their own mother. they probably resent me because i've been away for such
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a long time they were just little kids when they left. me. this is an unusual morning for a chef for one she's preparing breakfast for her own children in her own flat her mother both the apartment with the money chef knows a scent from mosco she hopes that her daughter will now stay here for good. children say don't go away you've got what you wanted to have don't go away now i say she won't go away any more but she still uncertain i'd like to work a bit longer. if you stay here you'll have a job i've already made arrangements. but she knows a cult possibly and enough money to meet all honey to time so far she's been working to feed and clothe the twins and buy toys for them then she'll need money for their education and then their weddings. just knows his parents always told her
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where she could well could live and who she should marry when she chose to go to moscow to look for a job it was the first decision she made by herself. and was jobless and seamstresses salary was barely enough to buy food later just rosa found a job for her husband to. force her to get married against her well i wanted her to have children yes i was forced to get married. it's ok you wouldn't have found a better husband anyway they said i wouldn't find a better husband if you don't marry him you have neither husband nor kids. meanwhile house you have decided to take advantage of her stay in touch it is done to look closely at the tajik relatives in the hope of spotting a bright for a second so. if we take her to the contest shoes sure to be miss
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russia is it enough or is married. i've come to talk it over and ask your opinion considering that we're family was. no get out when my husband was my own choice and my mother approved of it. i'm not against letting our children choose somebody to their liking. you know how things are done here but i won't mind if they decide themselves i don't one thousand to fia me maybe that will match each other who knows. where maybe i need to tell your son to come here to look at them through right. to have an guinness when he has right. he must win her heart first they are. not. fighting for their life that look real and here's a future bride by five years of age seventy seven but i've also got an
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eight. and. the week long holiday at home has flown by the ethnic alia didn't even have enough time to visit all the friends and family as local custom dictates the all of the guests are given a noisy sendoff with music and dance. but there'll be no dancing and most of the people who come here to watch don't get time off even during national holidays. it's an important occasion for today the second son has returned home from the. only day or so my little soldier are you cold oh it's wonderful to see you we've all been waiting for you this is it isn't us. that. was. my son has been discharged. it's such a pity we aren't in our place otherwise the whole family would be here she would be
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fifty at least you'd be like go letting. go and we'd slaughter a lamb. this is not russia to my sons i thought to this soldier. the next day they will go to a shopping center just to have a look at planning to buy anything the family comes here each weekend. lights is my favorite. i really like it i see it in my dream. will we ever be able to buy it yes we will and as soon as we move into the house. i adore wife because it looks like a bright future for me. i want everything in our flat to be whites.
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knows there is spending a week off and native city of some on account she wants to be with the children as much as possible she hasn't made up her mind yet whether she'll go back to earn money for her kids' future by looking after someone else's children in russia or if it's more important to stay here with the children during the early years. or. i've told her a thousand times she can get plenty of work here. her children are here. takes pride in showing pictures of her older children. lives in the states she graduated from university of tourism in management. new york.
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goes to beijing's university of technology even an extra in a recent jackie chan film. school and i want the children to keep on moving forward no rest no stopping always going forward. i want them to win over moscow and win over other cities too. but i want what's my dream well i hope that they'll be successful. for you then i want them to have more luck in life than i did. my job tomorrow. you must know three basic rules three the first you must always be polite the second never wait until you're told to do something. and the third never tell any
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lie. so. lucky the first job in russia was not a cleaner was expected but working in a supermarket. choose your language. of choice we can without any financial planner say still some of us. choose to use the consensus get to. choose the opinions that invigorating to. choose the stories that impact your life choose me access to your office.
9:57 am
speak your language. programs in documentaries in arabic in school here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the ip interviews intriguing stories for you to. explain try. to find out more visit our big teeth dog called. i'm in sochi the only city in europe the host of the twenty forty in winter the picket. signs. think. such a. thing the. dog days of. the pride days it. takes a common. theme song see it's so true.
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